Retreat at Todd Hall August 24th,
25th and 26th
Todd Hall
320 Todd Center
......Columbia, IL 62236-3245
We are making a few changes this year and adding FREE
Embroidery/ Quilting Workshops; you can attend or keep sewing on your own
However, we will be taking registrations for each
Workshop information will be post by April/May on workshop
Take a look at 2011 Retreat
Check in Friday 11am Departure Sunday 1:00pm
enjoy 3 days 2 nights of Quilting, Embroidery sewing are just relaxing and make
new sewing friends.
Demos every day, game night, trunk show, welcome party
and midnight sale at Heyde’s
Plenty of sewing time for whatever projects
that you are wanting to work on. Sew all night!
accommodations are double style rooms with private bath. Single rooms are
available Includes accommodations, meals meeting facility/ demos and all
retreat activities
Save $25 by registering by May 1st.
after May 1st.
Cost for Commuters..
Cost for Single Room
Occupancy.. $258.00
Cost for Double Occupancy
Room $225.00