Monday, February 6, 2012

Brother Sewing Machine Tip: Memory Banks?

Welcome to Sewing Tips and Hints.  Our plan is to bring you a blog post each week that is focused on a machine "did you know"  or sewing technique.

Our First topic is the Memory Banks in your Brother Computerized Sewing Machines..  Our Dixie Boatman.. recently shared this bit of knowledge about the Brother Stitch Memory Banks.. 

Machines that have the memory feature.. are "all Quattros"  The 4000 - 5000 series.. and the 2000 series.  

Why should you use the machines memory to save your stitches?  Well, a good example might be the different sizes of "blanket stitch" used in applique. You have the default size and then usually depending on the size of the pieces you are appliqueing.. you need to adjust the stitch.  Rather than make a note on paper of your size changes... YOUR BROTHER WILL KEEP TRACK FOR YOU UNTIL YOUR PROJECT IS DONE. 

Let's see how this works:

We are using the Innovis 5000 to show this feature. This screen is your stitch selection.. and we are pointing out the area where you can make the adjustments to the default size of the stitch.  Once you have sized the stitch as you like..

Press the Memory Button..  You have now stored your new stitch size in one of the 5 memory banks for that utility stitch.  

As you work on your project over time.. you can be assured that you have the correct sized stitch for your project.  You will simply go to the stitch of choice.. for us that is the blanket stitch shown here.  Then select the Retrieve
Your Memory Bank Screen pops up and you can choose your "Saved Stitch". 
And you are ready to sew.  You may also delete your saved stitches at any time.. making the memory bank ready for a new project that may require different sizes. 

This feature is such a blessing for the sewists who are working on a complex art quilt,  features of thread painting.. or an in depth applique project that requires different sizes of the same stitch. 

Check out your Brother Machine.. and try the utility stitch memory banks. The screen may look a bit different, but the words are the same.. MEMORY and RETRIEVE. 

Thanks Dixie.. for sharing with us.  


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